Registration forms for the 2014/15 school year have been mailed to families who were in the program last year. If your family attended our program last year and did not receive a packet, please call the Ministry Center and we will send you one. For your convenience, you can mail these back or drop them off. We will begin registering new and returning students starting Sunday, August 17th, 8:30 am—1:00 pm in the Ministry Center. Children registering for the first time MUST bring a Catholic baptismal certificate.

Sunday Classes begin September  21st  

Preschool (ages 3-4) & Kinder:

Sundays, 9:30-10:30 am

Grades 1-8: Sundays, 10:45-12:00 pm

Tuesday Classes begin September 23rd

Confirmation: Tuesdays, 6:45-8:00 pm



$60.00 – one child; $ 100.00 – two children;

$ 125.00 – for 3 or more in one family.

Are you interested in volunteering to help in the Religious Education program? Not sure if you are able? The only qualification you need to have is a love for Jesus and his children. The rest will take care of itself. Please think and pray about this. WE NEED YOUR GIFTS! Call Robin for more information at (858) 277-3861 or (619) 922-7941, or email